Poker News

Will Kassouf Makes Winning Comeback in a Major Poker Tournament?

World over Poker fans have been perceptively following the poker events with added fervor, especially when the biggest losers turn the tables, and the biggest winners take a hit. This adventure makes the participants and observers make a comeback for more and more!

It so happened when the Ardent player of Poker, Will Kassouf, left his fans pining for more expecting him to make not just a headline but to cause waves in the Poker World. For the past 20 years, Kassouf has been deep sunk in the oceans of controversies, especially in WSOP Main, even in the year 2016. The episode that time was mired in the obnoxious debate he entered into with Griffin Benger, and Tournament Director Jack Effel. 

Kassouf raised a social media Hullabaloo, adding more stories to his notoriety when he was caught red-handed fishing a $100 chip at a casino. He was more known for indulging in rough talk or being an apple of discord in most of the casinos he visited.  

However, in the Euro 1100 entry Irish Poker Master Main Event, Kassouf seems to have spun the ball in his favor. With a massive 1341 entries and a prize pool of Euro 1341000, the race towards victory seemed a dramatic turn of event. Coming down from 37 players on day 2 to just nine at the eleventh hour, there was a lot of enthusiasm to be experienced. With Jessica Teusl and Dante Fernandes getting disappointed in their rounds, Sam Vousden seemed to be leading the battle. 

However, not for long when he pocketed aces. Michael Deinlein and Anton Siden took another brutal, brutal battering. There went down the line a series of players like Van der Beek and then Sam Vousden. The Canadian Player Julien Perouse gave some hope, but he too vanished with Jose Mourinho at the last minute.

Right here emerged the role of Kassouf with stacks being enormously shallow and the moment which would make him get the prized trophy. Vousden got blown off when Manuel Ruivo moved in towards victory. Ruivo moved all-in for 57 million chips with seven-six, and Kassouf called it with poker eight. A brick of four finalized the fate of the tournament, with Kassouf having a full house. 

Finally, it was a payday for Kassouf, earning the Winner Cup of Euro 215,613, while Ruivio just had to be satisfied being the runner-up at Euro 148, 042. Isn’t it true, as told by Fidel Castro: “Men do not shape destiny, Destiny produces the man for the hour.” 


Ana Smith

Ana Smith holds a graduate degree in journalism, and she gets involved with us at AtlanticCityCasino.News as a news writer. She covers all the latest casino news in Atlantic City. In her free time, she loves to play online poker and other casino games.

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