HPL Digital Sport has brought to the table some interesting insights delving deep into multiple facets, as corroborated in a news report. This includes affairs related to the black market’s pervasiveness followed by the generation gap amongst the bettors to the rise in the number of women bettors. HPL Digital Sport, in association with SBC Americas, has explored sports betting trends and how certain notions are far from the truth. An exclusive domain for male bettors, sports betting now stands challenged with the increasing participation of female bettors. The trend is only gaining steam with a constant rise in the percentage of female participants across sports gambling contests. 2020 saw 28 percent of women bettors participation as per studies of HPL Digital Sport. At the same time, the State of the Sports Betting Industry for 2021 data cites the increase in number to be a whopping 33 percent.
Sports gambling still sees the prevalence of gender inequality. However, the latest trends showcase more women bettors gaining their ground. Women constitute seventeen percent of bets in daily sports compared to eighteen percent for men.
Women Equalling Men in Daily Bets
The motivation behind sports betting for both men and women is apparent in the study. Referrals work more for women, especially if it is from friends and family constituting a massive 41 percent. While for men, the same factors are cited to account for 31 percent of bets. An impressive 38 percent of bets are a direct result of social media engagement for women. In comparison, men account for 30 percent. Social betting is preferred by women in comparison to real money bets. The Kentucky Derby and the NCAA Tournaments are examples of events with greater social implications that are valued more by women bettors. The likelihood of paying for analytics tools by women bettors is more, with an impressive 20 percent, while it is 15 percent for men.
Male Bettors outperformed by the Female Bettors
Women now more than ever have been active in sports gambling. A study conducted in 2020 featuring New Jersey’s 888 sports betting platform highlighted 19.79 percent investment returns for bets for women. While for men, the figures corroborated a 4.6 percent loss. 888’s data stated women between the 18-24 age category registered more losses than male bettors, where the ROI ranged at -34.12 percent. At the same time, the women in the age group 25-44 recorded solid returns ranging from 127 to 129 percent for bets placed.